The Journey of Hike & Adventure

Throughout Hike and Adventure, become inspired to discover your surroundings whether these are mountains, coasts or deserts, you could always make it an adventure. Become an insider and increase your enjoyment with gear guides, trekking routes around the world and different travel destinations. You could also take a great part in my newest adventure, the seven summits. Feel free to come along and be a part of a journey around the world, on the highest mountains, the deepest ocean or the wildest jungle there is.

My name is Joachim Bundli Andresen, and i love adventures! My passion for adventure is endless. With my newest adventure, Seven Summits, I’m looking forward to experience tough tasks followed up with enjoyment. The reason for this adventure comes down to one key in life, belief. With believe and trust in yourself during demanding task, I think you could achieve all you want in life. To achieve the highest mountain on each continent of the world you must be dedicated, motivated and filled with a great passion. These element in life heading me towards this achievement.

If you or your company would like to take a part of this adventure in any way, please let me know. Maybe a partnership would be the begin of a new adventure for both you and me.